I'm Francesca :)

I am currently (2018) studying to get my master degree in computer science. This is the project I made for the course of Scientific and Large Data Visualization. It has the purpuse of providing an interactive tool to visualize the distribution of ages across Italy.

The data used was taken from the istat database. For the provinces and municipalities are available the data from 1982 to 2017, while for the regions it is also possible to see the reconstructed population from 1952 to 1981 and the forecasts until 2065.

It was written using the JavaScript library D3.js for manipulating documents based on data. D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a DOM, and then apply data-driven transformations to create interactive and smooth transitions.

Feel free to check out the source code of the project or some of my other works!
comune toscano a 45 km da Pisa con 1312 abitanti, ha un record:
il reddito pro capite piĆ¹ alto d'Italia secondo il Dipartimento delle Finanze.
A quanto ammonta? A 45.393 euro.